Sunday, March 23, 2014

Best Purchases in New York

I ended up doing a lot less shopping in New York than I thought I would, most likely because 1) insufficient funds to splurge, 2) lack of willpower to splurge, and 3) there's a Forever 21 and H&M at home. However, I did make some valuable purchases and discoveries.

1. Magma Sketchbook 
     I had no idea these even existed. I first encountered one at a bookstore at Chelsea Market. They don't have these where I'm from. Probably the world's most convenient series of sketchbooks. They have very useful informational sheets. The one I purchased, the Design & Art Direction sketchbook, has handy information including typography lingo and paper sizes. That makes me so happy. I will be sure to purchase more of these in the future.
2. Photo Journal PJ 128 
     This super cute photo journal includes radical drawings by Christine Berry. It was love at first sight. I bought it at the MoMA gift shop.
3. 'Zine: How I Spent Six Years of My Life in the Underground and Finally... Found Myself... I Think by Pagan Kennedy 
     I stumbled upon this book at the MoMA gift shop. It's an autobiographical bit about a woman that gets bored and decides to invent herself by creating her own homemade magazine (apparently they were all the rage in the '90s). It had a cool looking cover and enticing back description, and I figured this woman was probably just as whacko as I am, therefore I could probably spiritually connect with the book, so I bought it.
4. MetroCard
     I got nervous every time I had to fish around my pockets for this thing. But it was handy, nonetheless. It gets you places. And much to my delight, they work on buses too.
5. Cherry Cheesecake Strudel from the Hungarian Pastry Shop
     That's what the lady at the counter said it was. Unfortunately, my mouth was too busy watering for me to take a picture of it. Basically, it was a big slab of cherry cheesecake wrapped in a pastry blanket. It was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful food items I had ever laid eyes on. I'm so very jealous of all the Columbia campus dwellers that get to live with this thing.
6. Postcards
     I love postcards, especially pretty postcards. None of that cheesy, bad photography postcard stuff. I bought a bunch at the Chelsea Market (not a single ugly postcard was to be seen). It convinced me that New Yorkers have impeccable taste in postcards. 
7. Empire State Building ticket 
     Although I had a relatively rough time getting through security at the Empire State Building (I couldn't understand what the thick foreign-accented guy was saying; apparently tripods are not allowed-- and why aren't they? Especially 6-inch tripods. Are tripods a hip item to beat people to death with nowadays? I'm sure there's good reason for it, but I haven't Googled the answer yet), the night view was amazing. It's good stuff, it really is. 
8. Poland Spring 1.5 Liter water bottle
     It was getting to be a pain in the neck buying water bottles and not being able to refill them, due to the lack of water bottle refillers and fountains. Although these last no longer than a day, it's better than buying 2-3 regular size bottles. 
9. Columbia sweater
     There was slight anxiety that went into buying this sweater, but not enough to not make me buy it. I could only imagine the conversations:
"Cool sweater! Are you going to Columbi--" 

"Did your parents go ther--" 
"Do you have any association whatsoever with--" 
 But hey, doesn't having your school publication earn Gold Medalist status by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association mean something? And so I bought it. And you know what? It's pretty damn comfy-- and I just so happen to look great in Columbia blue (yeah, apparently they get their own shade of blue).

1 comment:

  1. omg brenda can you please blog like every day... you're great <3
